Characters Currently Touring

Theodore Roosevelt


P. T. Barnum

American Entertainment Giant

Henry Ford

Industrialist/Cultural Critic

Gene Roddenberry

Television & Film Maker

Nikita Khrushchev

Cold Warrior

Pablo Picasso

The Genius who Changed Art

Jackson Pollock

Abstract Artist & Rebel Innovator 

Nikola Tesla

The Genius of Electricity

Thomas Hart Benton

The "Real" American Artist

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Leader in War & Peace

Ernie Pyle

The Voice of the American G.I.

Stonewall Jackson

The Conflicted Warrior

Andrew Carnegie

Steel Tycoon & Philanthropist

John D Rockefeller

Oil Tycoon & Philanthropist

Jacques Cousteau

Explorer Environmentalist

Billy Sunday

The Dynamic Culture Warrior

George C. Wallace

A Very Difficult and Complex Man

Jefferson Davis

President of the Confederacy 

D. W. Griffith

The Father of Cinema

Jack Warner

A Hollywood & Cinema Legend

John J. Pershing

The Great War's General

William Clark

Famous Western Explorer

And Several More....